Your Community Club

EXCITING NEWS ..... Construction starting August 2017
Construction is about to proceed on The Medowie Sports & Community Club. This Club has been in planning for over thirty years, originally a vision of the late Councillor Ken Muir “to have a community meeting place”
The Club will form a community owned and operated focus for Medowie families, social & sporting groups, providing an environment in which families can relax over a meal in a safe and friendly facility or just take a break with friends, keeping up with local gossip whilst watching the excitement on the Bowling Green or a meeting place for various sporting and community groups
Local groups such as the RSL, the CWA, the Lions Probus will find freely available meeting rooms, with secure storage for those bits and pieces that they are forced to lug to meetings now.
The Medowie Sports & Community Club is nearing realization. PROGRESS SO FAR (August 2017)
All Development Approvals have been obtained
Port Stephens Council has allocated funds to complete the project
Port Stephens Council has commissioned project managers to produce working drawings and invite tenders to construct.
Work has commenced on site
Port Stephens Council has entered into a lease arrangement with the Medowie Sports & Community Club.
Exciting elements we plan to include
Good quality licenced "family friendly" restaurant
Additional car parking to not only facilitate the club but provide overflow parking for both Ferodale & Yulong sports grounds
Emergency generator to enable the club to becomea "Disaster Recovery Site" in the event of events such as the recent storms or bush fire. This will help members of the community who rely on electrical items for health and wellbeing as well as a meeting point as part of your personal disater plan
A Multimedia equiped meeting room for use by all sports and community groups.
A first class auditorium for community use for meetings, performances and private functions
We look forward to your suggestions - rememeber .... this is your club
Community - Add your sports or community site link to our site
We would like to you to add your sports or community site link to our site ...... Contact us to add your site on our listing
Ferodale Meeting Room Booking Calander -Check out the link to the current bookings for the Ferodale meeting room at the existing Ferodale Sporting Complex.
Bowling Club - Recruiting members now
Now that we have the bowling green firmly in our sights he club committee has formed a sub group to oversee the formation and growth of a Medowie Bowling club.
This was in response to the overwhelming requests from the community and will be the “Jewel in the Crown” for the club with the building of the initial bowling green and provision for a second in planning.
This is an exciting opportunity for Medowie and we urge all community members interesting in joining our Bowling to contact us through this website
Your Community Club
Welcome to the Medowie Sports and Community Club’s Homepage. This website will continue to be developed over time and will be a good source of information for the Medowie Community in tracking the progress of the Club Committee.
Our Group of committed volunteers represent a wide range of the community and all have provided valuable input which will help form the Club.
As always, we value your input. If you are unable to get to our community update meetings, please, drop us a line on the email address and let us know what you want in your Club.
As we are about to progress from design to the construction stages of the Club - we will up date the website as well as inform you via FACEBOOK
Please add this website to your favourites, and join our Facebook Page Medowie Sports and Community Club for updates.
Craig Baumann
Medowie Sports and Community Club